materi making a phone (opening, convesing and closing it)


Ada banyak cara untuk membuka percakapan. Cara anda membuka percakapan tergantung pada seberapa dekat hubungan anda dengan orang lain.Berikut ini adala 4 cara yang paling mudah untuk membuka percakapan:

Greetings (Salam) +
Introducing yourself (mengenalkan diri)
Asking a Question (Bertanya)
Making a Statement (membuat pernyataan)
Requesting attention (meminta perhatian)
Cara pertama ini adalah yang paling umum yaitu mengenalkan diri. Tiga cara yang lain dapat digunakan untuk berbicara dengan orang asing, kenalan atau teman.


Assalamualaikum. My name is Abdullah.

Assalamualaikum. I’m Bambang. I’m the local brother and I’m ready to make nusrat for your jamaat.
Assalamualaikum. My name is Fay Ahmed. What’s your name?


Excuse me. How can I get to…?
Pardon me, but is this the way to…..?
Excuse me, but do you have the time?
Where are you going?
Did you see the evening news last night?
Are you still working on your office?
Masya Allah! What happened to you?


It sure is hot today, isn’t it?
All this rain is really getting me down.
That’s a beautiful view, isn’t it?
That guy sure talks a lot, doesn’t he?
I like that clothes of yours.
Abdullah! You got a haircut!


Assalamualaikum, Abdullah, you got a minute?
Excuse me, Bambang. Can I talk with you a minute?
Do you have a minute to talk with me?
May I have a few minutes of your time?
What I wanted to talk with you about is…


Ada beberapa cara untuk menutup pembicaraan. Kadang-kadang percakapan berakhir karena memang tidak ada lagi yang perlu dikatakan. Dalam hal ini biasanya orang hanya berdiam diri.
Berikut ini adalah tiga cara untuk menutup percakapan.
Expressing pleasure (menyatakan perasaan senang).

Farewells (ucapan selamat tinggal)

Making a Excuse (minta maaf)

Apologizing for Bothering (minta maaf karena telah mengganggu/menyita waktu).

It’s been nice talking with you.
I’ve really enjoyed talking with you.
This is a really interesting conversation.
I’m glad we have a chance to talk.
You’re really interesting to talk to.
I hope we get a chance t get together again sometime.
I’m looking forward to meet you again.


I’d like to talk with you some more about this, but..
You’ll have to excuse me, but I have to meet someone at 4:00
If you’ll excuse me, I have to finish my report today….
I’m sorry I can’t talk a little more,…
Can we continue this conversation another time? I have to get home…
How about we talk about this other time. I really must be going..

I won’t take any more of your time..
I’m sorry to have taken so much of your time..
I’m sorry for having taken you away from what you were doing..
Well, I’ll stop bothering you now..
Sorry to have bothered you…

(Salam Perjumpaan I)
Abdullah. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Bhaiy Suheil. Waalaikum salam warohmatullah.
Abdullah. (How are You?) (Apa khabar?)
Bhaiy Suheil. Alhamdulillah.
Abdullah. My name is Abdullah. What’s your name? (Nama saya Abdullah. Siapa nama anda?)
Bhaiy Suheil. My name is Suheil Ahmed. You can call me “Suheil” (Nama saya Suheil Ahmed. Kamu dapat memanggil saya dengan nama “Suheil”.
Abdullah. Where are You from, Brother Suheil? (Dari mana kamu berasal saudara Suheil?)
Bhaiy Suheil. I’m from Feiselabad, Pakistan and what’s the name of this locality?(Saya dari Feiselabad, Pakistan dan apa nama daerah ini?)
Abdullah . The name of this locality is Solo. This City is part of the province of Central Java. It is as big as the province of Sarghoda in Pakistan.(Nama tempat ini adalah Solo. Kota ini adalah bagian dari provinsi Jawa Tengah. Provinsi ini besarnya sama dengan provinsi sarghoda di Pakistan). By the way, How many persons in your jamaat? (Ngomong-ngomong, berapa jumlah anggota jamaah antum?)
Bhaiy Suheil. We are seven persons. Two persons are doctors, one businessman, two hafidz, one ‘Aliim and our amir saf is a laywyer. (kami ber tujuh. Dua orang dokter, satu pengusaha, dua hafidz, satu alim dan amir jamaah kami seorang pengacara/ahli hukum.
Abdullah. Dear all of my Pakistani brother (Mere bayou dosto). (Kepada saudara-saudaraku dari Pakistan ! ) Please go to the next room because the drinks of “Chay” and meals are ready/Khana tiar hai. (Mari pergi ke ruangan sebelah karena minuman “Chay” dan makanan sudah siap.


(Salam Perjumpaan II)
The Bangladesh Officer. Assalamua’lakum.
Saiful. Waalaikum salam
The Bangladesh Officer. Where are you from, Brother? (saudara dari mana?)
Saiful. I’m from Indonesia. (saya dari Indonesia).
The Bangladesh Officer. Alhamdulillah. Please, give me your passport. (Alhamdulillah.
 Tolong mana paspor saudara?)
Saiful. Here you are.(ini dia)
The Bangladesh Officer. Please, fill in this form.(tolong isi formulir ini).
Saiful. O.K. Jazakumullah khoiron.


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